
I’m Anna-Marie. I used to shorten my name to Anna but I have since reclaimed its fullness.

I don’t have any daily practices. The closest I get is following breadcrumbs that life kindly and mysteriously lays out before me. When I follow these, my cells get rearranged for the better. I hope that this Substack will be cellularly-rearranging breadcrumbs for the both of us.

An ongoing discovery of ecology

Living in Exeter, Devon (UK), on the cusp of Dartmoor and the Jurassic Coast, my ongoing discovery of myself as an ecological creature saturates my work, interests, and perspectives.

I currently describe my work as focusing on two branches of the same tree: ecological organisations and ecological enquiry. After authoring the reimagined story of ecological organisations and the accompanying Ecological Organisations Framework in 2023, released under creative commons, a whole new world has opened up that I'm loving exploring: organisations as edge-less and edged, forged of relationship and deeply relational, and wonderfully, irreparably entangled in the health of neighbourhoods, place, social systems, ecosystems, the more-than-human, and this dear planet.

What’s been even more joyful is the discovery that the enquiry into organisations as ecological is actually an enquiry into humans as ecological.

My perspectives

My perspectives have been moulded by twenty-five years of chronic health issues that bring my gaze to my inner world with laser focus. At the same time, living in a queering body has widened my gaze far beyond my self, into animism, interbeing, ancestry, the more-than-human, living systems, place, ecology, and the magnificent, mysterious resonance of the natural and physical world.

My perspectives have also been moulded by the middle space I situate as a woman that’s no longer a young adult but not quite an elder, my white skin in whiteness-dominating systems, a middle-class upbringing in a class-based England, my lack of connection to my Croation ancestry, and chocolate (less chocolate than I'd like and more chocolate than I probably deserve).

You can find out more about my current and past focuses, along with potential breadcrumbs that might tug at your sleeve, on my website and on my LinkedIn page. Please do connect and say hello!


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Ecological organisations, relationality in a multispecies world, seasonality and commons, and ecological enquiry.


Exploring an ecology of relationality and interbeing, the more-than-human and the physical world, and the co-created story of edges. All of which saturates my work as an organisational ecologist, embodied facilitator, author, and podcaster.